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Strong community relationships at Minera Tres Valles are based on maintaining an open and permanent dialogue in regard to generating mutually beneficial outcomes for everyone involved.
This policy permits the resolution of conflict in an efficient manner and emphasizes the ability to work as a community, which is what the contributions made by Tres Valles are based upon.
This methodology favors the involvement of the communities in order to better manage the project, generating synergy in the relationship to boost the territory’s development.


The Tres Valles Foundation is the institution by which Minera Tres Valles channels its social investment into the territory.
Since its creation in 2014, the Foundation has financed various social projects related to education, social infrastructure, rural health posts, and more.
Its distinctive feature is that the Foundation’s board is primarily made up of community members, representing the valleys of Chalinga, Cárcamo and Chuchiñí. We invite you to find out more by visiting our foundation’s website.


Caring for the environment is based on strictly complying with environmental legislation, continuously seeking out improvements in various processes and fully opening our operation to the outside community. 
Since 2009, the Tres Valles project has had a comprehensive Environmental Qualification Resolution (RCA) active throughout its entire operation. The RCA provides the pivotal instructions and permits necessary to sustainably run operations for a successful regulatory compliance that respects the environment not only physically, but also socially.
Part of the environmental obligations promised by Minera Tres Valles in the RCA is the reforestation of 250 hectares with native species, the construction of a petroglyph park in Quilmenco and the incessant monitoring of air and water quality.
We constantly prioritize caring for the environment at Tres Valles. A good reflection of this is that our project works off of renewable biomass energy that we specifically contract with lowering our carbon footprint in mind. Additionally, we have a very low water consumption (3.58 L/sec), in which Tres Valles has received recognition for its efficiency in its use of this precious resource.


The Tres Valles project is located in the heart of three surrounding valleys named Chalinga, Chuchiñí and Cárcamo. The territory is characterized by its rich social and cultural heritage.
Transhumance is a common tradition for this region. It is a seasonal movement of livestock between the Andes mountains and lowland pastures (valleys). Religious festivities in the valleys of Chuchiñí and Manquehua hold some of the most important cultural traditions where pilgrims celebrate the Virgin Mary with dances, songs and praise.
Additionally, there is petroglyphic art found in this region that was made by pre-Columbian cultures, those of which inhabited the valleys as they generally followed the watercourses. These people left behind beautiful vestiges of their culture for later generations. The value of their social heritage is reflected through these traditions and legends that come from this land.