In January of this year, Minera Tres Valles’ Emergency Brigade added new members, with a training session being held that allowed 19 professionals from different areas to be certified, appreciating a strong female presence in this select group of brigade members.
The training activity was divided into two parts: the first consisted of a theoretical training, where members were trained in primary care for traumatized personnel and how to react when facing an event where the physical safety of onsite workers is at risk, as well as the use of different rescue techniques and firefighting elements. The second part involved a planned fire simulation exercise and the rescue of an injured person from inside a wrecked vehicle. The objectives of these activities focused on the efficiency of response to an event, teamwork, leadership, communication, the use of fire safety equipment, and medical attention issued for the injured.
This endeavor invites us to continue training on a permanent basis, favoring the constant development of brigade members’ potential as well as being increasingly better prepared for possible emergencies at Minera Tres Valles.