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UNESCO declared May 17th as international recycling day with the purpose of raising awareness about our need to care for the environment as a society.

According to figures provided by Greenpeace, Chileans produce 456 kilos of garbage per capita per year, making it the country that generates the most waste per capita in the region. These alarming figures lead us to consider incorporating terms such as reduction, recycling and reuse in our day to day lives.

Minera Tres Valles aims to work together with the communities, so they wanted to commemorate this important day through developing a theoretical-practical workshop on environmental awareness and composting, the latter is known as a technique to recycle organic matter which creates natural fertilizer from kitchen or garden waste.

The activity was held in the schools of Chuchiñí, Manquehua and Cárcamo, and students, professors and neighbors of the communities all came to learn different techniques and processes that make compost, which is an excellent form of recycling organic waste and reducing the garbage output of each person in your home.

Ninfa Bolvaran, a resident from Manquehua and assistant at the workshop, said that through this class “we have learned many things that we did not know, for me it is very good to know about composting since it is a technique that I can use to fertilize my olive plantations.”

The workshop was carried out with the support of Carlos Flores and Claudia Carmona, professionals from the environmental area of the Municipality of Salamanca, who were the rapporteurs of the day. Carlos Flores, who is in charge of the office of Environmental Management at the Municipality, stressed that “this activity was a very rewarding experience for us. We have developed workshops with the communities as an office before; but this time, there was something new by doing it together with Minera Tres Valles that brought along many positive consequences, including having more frequent contact with neighbors and seeing the children motivated by environmental and recycling issues. Through this we can see that we are doing things well, both in the public and private sectors.”

Sebastián Cortés, Sustainability Manager at Minera Tres Valles, said that “this project aligns well with the sustainability policy at our company which seeks to connect Tres Valles with the communities, this time through educational programs that generate awareness in our children about the care and protection of the environment. The results are visible as many children, parents, teachers and neighbors from the surrounding areas have participated as well as interacted with key institutions in environmental education, which in this case is the Municipality of Salamanca.