On Thursday, November 10, 2022, the board of the Chalinga Agricultural Community visited Minera Tres Valles due to the upcoming renewal of the Easement held with them and to discuss the current state of the Company. The board of directors, led by its president Arturo Godoy, valued, and spoke highly of this activity; since they as an organization will soon have a meeting with their assembly where they will present the current relationship of Minera Tres Valles to the Community.


In the activity, Arturo Godoy said: “We needed this visit and together with all the community leaders we are happy to be able to work together and we are glad that every time there is a problem related to the interests of the community and the development of the project, the Company informs us, and we can solve it together through dialogue. That is what I think as well as my colleagues on the board”.

The Community’s rental easement covers a total of 188 hectares and must be renewed in 2024. Within the easement, the areas containing the Don Gabriel Pit, Papomono Mine, the mine to plant road are identified, all these areas were visited by the Community to verify the status of the easement.




The activity was carried out on Friday, September 25th, and was organized by the Michael Page website. The central focus was the evolution of Chilean mining throughout history and the current panorama in times of Covid-19.

The webinar “Mining 2020: Together Building a New Reality” concentrated on three points of conversation, the past, the present and the future of mining in Chile, through the perspective of experts from the medium and large industries.

Luis Vega Muñoz, CEO of Minera Tres Valles, participated in the conference and presented the keys to growth and innovation implemented within the mining sector in recent years. “In terms of human capital, over the last ten years, inclusion has been an extremely important issue, mining is a fairly traditional field, but significant progress has been made, especially with the presence of women in mining. Women have an increasingly relevant role in the mining workforce, with leadership roles that were traditionally not seen.”

He stressed that “regarding business relationships, it is also clear that mining has evolved, being much more careful with the entities with which it associates, its stakeholders. Traditionally we cared about shareholders, however, now there are other relevant players, employees, the community, the environment, they are much more relevant in our day to day.”

Regarding the challenges and opportunities for mining companies after the pandemic, Luis Vega pointed out the “evident effect of working from home, the lack of needing to be physically in the office. The technology existed, it is not something new, but a culture has been generated around this, we have internalized that not only face-to-face meetings are necessary, which will mean changes at the level of fixed costs in companies.”

The activity also featured presentations by Sofía Sánchez, VP of People and Organization at Anglo American, Luis Albano Tondo, CEO of Marimaca Copper, and Fernando Hernández, VP of HR at the Doña Inés de Collahuasi Mining Company.





The activity brought together leaders and representatives of the main unions and groups of copper miners from the cities of Illapel, Salamanca and Canela.

Since 2012, Minera Tres Valles has been purchasing ore from third parties with the mission of promoting development opportunities for the local small-scale mining industry by acquiring, processing and selling their mined copper.

Through a talk given to the main organizations of small-scale miners in the Choapa province, Tres Valles showed the implications of its ore purchasing agreement, such as buying lots of both oxides and mixed copper (oxides plus chalcocites) starting from 350 tonnes with a payment scale for grades ranging from 0.50% to 3.50%.

Together with the accreditation of suppliers and explaining the purchasing process, the Company also announced its two lines of work dedicated to promoting productivity among local mining. The first of these is the leasing of mining properties from within the approximate 45,000 hectares that belong to Minera Tres Valles. The second one establishes a collaborative framework agreement with the Mining Association of Salamanca and the San Lorenzo Mining Union, which allows members to freely mine at various shared locations granted by the Company.

Sebastián Cortés, Sustainability Manager at Minera Tres Valles, highlighted “the work of encouraging production from small-scale and artisanal miners, who are an important part of the local economy and are undeniably valuable for the Company. Our social development projects, together with this purchasing agreement, are built in order to achieve a virtuous link among projects that vary in scale, creating new job opportunities and improving the working conditions for small-scale miners.”

The event was attended by the Regional Mining Secretary, Roberto Vega, who emphasized that the development of this initiative “responds to the government’s call to set Chile in motion; mining, especially small-scale mining, revives communities and this is why we appreciate Minera Tres Valles’ efforts to collaborate with small producers from Choapa to achieve economic revitalization.”




The community of Cárcamo, composed of northern, central and southern sectors, is a rural town located within the district of Illapel, located on the east bank of the Illapel River.

The Tres Valles Foundation is the social investment project of Minera Tres Valles, an organization whose purpose is to provide support in developing the initiatives that address the perceived needs of the communities within the Chalinga, Chuchiñí and Cárcamo valleys.

Year after year, the Tres Valles Foundation provides funds for the development and management of projects that hold great social relevance for the territory. The initiatives, which arise in unison to fulfill the interests of each sector, are produced by active social organizations that reside within the communities themselves.

Together with the community component, an essential element is that all funds are validated by the Foundation’s Board of Directors, which allocates the available resources for financing different projects based on a technical evaluation. The Board of Directors has a mixed composition, where three of the five directors belong to Community Representatives (one from each valley) and two directors are Minera Tres Valles Representatives.

Among the projects financed during the four work periods, construction and remodeling of social headquarters, churches and rural medical stations are performed. Additionally, sports and educational initiatives are developed and funds for various institutions’ equipment are provided.


Project Start Up Ceremony – Cárcamo 2019

Since its establishment in 2014, the Tres Valles Foundation has developed projects that are focused on improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Chuchiñí, Cárcamo and Chalinga Valleys. The initiatives produced by the communities represent requests for local development, which address issues such as education, health and infrastructure.

The projects developed by the organizations from the Cárcamo Valley have generated substantial changes in the territory. The Tres Valles Foundation has helped to plant important initiatives, such as purchasing land and building wells for the town’s drinking water supply. The projects have also improved the sewage system and replaced neighborhood and social group venues.

An important focus of investment has been collaborating with the Clemencia Villaroel School, an establishment that houses around 140 students that belong to different localities from the Illapel River Valley. The Center for Parents and Guardians has developed three structural projects, “Cárcamo Surfing Through Cyberspace”, “Cárcamo Sings and Rejoices with its Ranchers” and the “Eco-friendly School Cooperative”, which have all made a substantial contribution to the development of this scholastic community.

Last Thursday, June 27, students, teachers, directors, parents and supporters of the Clemencia Villaroel School held the closing ceremony of their projects, which aimed to generate a strategic change in the educational methodology, implementing ACTIONS in matters of connectivity, sustainability and the development of the arts.

“Cárcamo Surfing Through Cyberspace”, corresponding to the year 2017, was a connection project that promoted using information and communication technologies in the educational process, which through free Internet access has provided a great amount of information and knowledge to be used inside and outside the classroom. The investment consisted of installing a Wi-Fi network system, along with implementing digital literacy activities for all members of the Cárcamo community.

Additionally, “Cárcamo Sings and Rejoices with its Ranchers” was part of the 2017 investment fund and provided financing for the Cárcamo Rancher Festival, a traditional celebration held in town. The contribution made it possible to pay for the event, its technical implementation and prizes for the participants.

The “Eco-friendly Clemencia Villarroel School Cooperative”, belonging to the 2018 investment fund, has incorporated an environmental component into the teaching and learning process over different grade levels of the school. This initiative installed a recovery and reuse of gray water system for irrigation inside the facility as well as solar panels to generate renewable energy; reusable bags were also distributed among the students.

Yesica Araya, the 2018 president of the Center for Parents and Guardians at the Clemencia Villaroel School, remarked at the end of the ceremony that “we, and the previous board, are very happy and proud of what we have achieved through these projects. These advancements are reflected in our own children, who are concerned about their garden and keeping the biofilter clean. What we have created is great and we are deeply grateful to the Tres Valles Foundation.”

Armando Gonzalez, director of the Municipal Education Department of the Illapel district and the institution’s supporter, stressed the importance of “local third-sector organizations, in this case the educational community and the Tres Valles Foundation, working together to form projects that benefit the entire community, understanding that the school is an engine of development for its town.”

The Director of the Tres Valles Foundation and Representative of the Cárcamo community, Victor Hugo Villaroel, emphasizes that “the support and trust given by the Central Cárcamo, Southern Cárcamo and Quebrada de Cárcamo institutions were of vital importance for the management of these connection projects and eco-friendly cooperative. It was through them that prioritizing resources for the execution of educational initiatives was determined, making it clear how important they are for everyone in the community since the entire Illapel River Valley goes to the Clemencia Villaroel school.”

For Luis Vega, Minera Tres Valles’ CEO, “the implementation of projects linked to the social development of our communities, raised through executing initiatives in education and health, demonstrates our commitment as a company to local progress, creating opportunities for promotion that are relevant to the needs of our valleys and leaving a practical and lasting impact. Today at the school in Cárcamo, we gave the greenlight to two important initiatives that will directly affect the formation of future generations.”

Sebastián Cortés, Sustainability Manager of Minera Tres Valles and chairman of the board of the Tres Valles Foundation, said “these projects make a concrete contribution from Tres Valles to the territory, highlighting the cultural value of Cárcamo, connecting the children to development efforts, and promoting the academic performance of the school which has been demonstrated by the results obtained in national assessments.”

The projects awarded to the Clemencia Villarroel school were allocated funding of close to nine million Chilean pesos by the Tres Valles Foundation, this was in addition to the supporting contribution provided by the community and municipality.




The club’s dining hall was sponsored by funds allocated from the Tres Valles Foundation in 2018.

Among some cuecas and folkloric music, the Arboleda Grande Cowboy Club along with the Entre Ríos de Salamanca Cowboy Club held the inauguration ceremony of the organization’s new building. This facility is designed to be the place where a variety of activities related to Chilean cowboy culture are carried out.

For the construction of the site, the project received a contribution of CLP$ 4,000,000 by the Tres Valles Foundation, which added to the CLP$ 2,300,000 already invested by the community. For Catalina Soto, president of the Arboleda Grande Cowboy Club, the project holds great significance because “we now have a roof over our heads. We still have a long way to go; but we already have the most important thing, which is a space where we can all be together. As our commitment is for this place to be open to all establishments that need it.”

The focal point in executing this project was the combined effort of the community, who created their investment to be a space of meeting and recreation openly accessible to the entire Arboleda community. The project corresponded to the 2018 financing period of the Tres Valles Foundation, and promoted joint collaboration among the establishments that actively work to see their town grow.




On Friday, May 10th, the highest provincial authority visited the plant and mine premises of the mining project, which is located between the counties of Illapel and Salamanca.

Minera Tres Valles, a medium-scale mining company dedicated to the extraction and production of copper, withholds a fundamental goal of developing a modern mining facility with a focus on sustainability, safety and innovation. Since 2018, Minera Tres Valles has been developing three large expansion projects in different production areas, with a final goal of perfecting its processes.

During the site visit, the Governor was shown the Don Gabriel open pit mine which has been in the midst of expansion and contributes to approximately 60% of the total mine production of the company. Alongside the open pit visit, the Governor was taken to some extraction points in the Papomono underground mine, which is close to starting development work in its “Masivo” sector. By using Inclined Block Caving as the exploitation method, there is a major advantage in cost optimization.

Leaching in chloride media, which was first studied by Minera Tres Valles’ Research & Development team and then confirmed by external engineering companies, is the third structural project currently being implemented by the company. This project consists of adding salt to the agglomeration stage, which will increase the metallurgical recovery, reduce the leaching cycle, and therefore decrease the sulfuric acid consumption.

At the end of the visit, Juan Pablo Gálvez said that he was “grateful for the site visit to Minera Tres Valles, which is a company that has gone through a tough situation and it is rewarding to see that, thanks to innovation, it has come back to life through important projects at both mining and processing levels. These initiatives are not often seen in other places and we hope they are hugely successful.”

For Sebastián Cortés, Sustainability Manager at Minera Tres Valles, the visit was considered to be “an important opportunity to enhance our relationship with the public authority. Minera Tres Valles is a company that is concerned about the development of the region and it is of great help when the local authorities know our working standards and development plans. As a company, we firmly believe that maintaining constant dialogue with public organisms generates great benefits, especially for local development.




On Wednesday, April 10th, the Salamanca Municipal Multipurpose High School (“Liceo Municipal Polivalente de Salamanca”) held a ceremony for the signing of the 2019 Internship Agreement, which commits local companies to supporting the comprehensive development of the future technicians and professionals of the county.

This agreement has been developed to assist in perfecting the formation of young professionals, alongside training mid-level technicians to meet job expectations within the area’s diverse productive sectors. It was signed and officiated by the educational institution, the municipality, the companies and the participating organizations, promoting the creation of new Official Internship Centers for the mid-level technical-professional careers offered by the Multipurpose High School.

The Regional Ministerial Secretary of Education, Claudio Oyarzún, declared that opportunities like these “are fantastic and gratifying, as I could see on site that technical-professional education has turned into a big opportunity for the young people of our county. The “Liceo Polivalente” has come to satisfy this need that was born a long time ago.”

Luis Vega, CEO at Minera Tres Valles, highlighted that the signing of this agreement “is of great importance for us as a company, as our work is based on valuing the territory; and through instances of collaboration like the one celebrated today with the “Liceo Polivalente”, we strengthen our social ties with the young professionals of the county of Salamanca.”

The School’s Headmaster, Sara Muñoz, expressed gratitude for the support given by the local institutions by saying “technical-professional education has to have a constant and continuous relationship with the companies, and cannot go its separate ways. The support and feedback that these internship centers give allow us to elaborate the paths we should follow within our educational plan.