Senior Leadership

Luis Vega Muñoz
Board Member & CEO
Luis Vega was named CEO of Minera Tres Valles in 2016, previously working as CFO at MTV from 2014.
During his 25 years of professional experience, he has held a variety of positions in the areas of finance, asset management, petroleum products logistics and distribution, mining operations and mining machinery maintenance. The latter in mining operations primarily in Chile and Peru.
He has actively participated in the transactions associated with MTV, including the purchase of the asset from VALE in 2013, the acquisition of the controlling interest of TVC in 2017 and later the financing of the expansion projects.
Mr. Vega is an Industrial Engineer graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile with an MBA from Duke University in North Carolina, where he specialized in business development in emerging markets. At an early age, he studied at the Military Academy in Chile where he graduated as an army officer, obtaining the highest-ranking position in field artillery.